Applying for Your DFCU Mortgage
Thank you for choosing us. Our mortgage experts are here to make your loan experience a great one--now and for years to come.
You selected your loan officer so the next few screens will ask questions about you, your property, income, debts and assets--all necessary information to build your loan application and get you pre-approved!
Please do a quick review of the "housekeeping" items below, then scroll down to the START YOUR APPLICATION section and begin.
If you are considering a property in excess of 10 acres, please contact a Loan Officer prior to applying.
Before You Start
How long will it take?
On average it takes 15-20 minutes.
What will I need?Here are some simple checklists:
Your Application
Need some help?
Look on the right-hand side of the screen for some helpful hints.
Short On Time?You can save your application at any point and come back later.
Once You're Finished
What happens next?
Some programs may give you instant online approval.
If that's not an option?Your application will be under review, login at any time to see the current status of your application.